Thank you for visiting the GRAETZ MFG., INC. web site and reviewing our Privacy Policy.
This site may use contact, inquiry, or survey forms for its visitors and customers to request information or express their interests in GRAETZ MFG., INC. products and services.
Personal identity information that is submitted to GRAETZ MFG., INC. is provided on a voluntary basis, and may be used for follow up by sending company information, promotions, as well as orders to our visitors and customers.
This information may be transmitted to our dealers or other business partners. GRAETZ MFG., INC. will not share, trade or sell personal identity information to any other outside company for its use in marketing or solicitation. GRAETZ MFG., INC. will maintain the confidentiality of your personal identity information. It will be used only to support your relationship with GRAETZ MFG., INC., and its business partners.